23 June 2007

Half way

After a week of sleeping in a tiny tent, or even in the car, the desire for a shower had moved up the priority list to the very top.
So here I am, clean, shaven, and connected. The place is the island Lovund, a good way out into the archipelago fencing in the coastline of Nordland county. Here's a Google Map link (opens in separate window). A nice little resort with B&B, a restaurant and a wireless network for paying guests.
The trip has been good so far, but the continuous light wreaks havoc on my sleep patterns. I'm still a few km south of the polar circle, but there's midnight sun here, all right. On summer solstice itself (21. june) the sky was all clear, and the sun didn't touch down on the horizon at all.
Only last night the weather failed me. I was up in a mountain side to photograph puffins, but was chased down again by rain and midges. Perhaps I'll try again tonight. However, there are midsummer celebrations on the beach tonight. The party and the bonfire could make for motifs just as nice as those wingflapping featherballs. With considerably less effort involved.


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